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Bibliographic and Artistic


BONFATTI, Adriana et al. Circulating Theater Workshop - Experience and Trajectory of a Theater Workshop for young people with mental disorders at the UNIRIO Theater School. ROOTS AND ROADS. , v.5, p.185 - 195, 2017.

TAVARES, Joana Ribeiro da Silva. Circulating - A space for young people with mental disorders. VII Scientific Meeting of ABRACE, 2013.

FREIRE, Ana Beatriz; MALCHER, Fabio (Orgs.). Circulating: young people and their inventions in autism and psychosis. Rio de Janeiro: Subversos, 2014.

We are a family owned and operated business.

VARGAS, Aline; GUIMARAENS, Caito. Theater with autistic: experience at the Teatro Ateliê do Projeto Circulando. In: FREIRE, Ana Beatriz; MALCHER, Fabio (Orgs.). Circulating: young people and their inventions in autism and psychosis. Rio de Janeiro: Subversos, 2014.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Academic Master's Projects:

GONZALEZ, Tavie De Miranda Ribeiro. Autisms in the classroom - The place of the drama teacher in the inclusive school. 2019. Dissertation (Master in the Postgraduate Program in Performing Arts) - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, UNIRIO. Advisor: Profª. Drª Marina Henriques Coutinho, 2019.

VARGAS, Aline Rangel. Theater of Operations. Rio de Janeiro: PPGAC / UFRJ, 2017-2019. (Master's project)

Course Conclusion Papers (TCC):

BASTOS, Leonardo. Against [optimal] the Flow of the World. Completion of course work. (Degree in Theater) - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro / UNIRIO. Advisor: Marina Henriques Coutinho, 2017.

GONZALEZ, Tavie de Miranda Ribeiro. Non-method as a method in the Circulando Theater Workshop: an experience in teaching theater to young people with mental disorders. Completion of course work. (Degree in Theater) - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro / UNIRIO. Advisor: Joana Ribeiro da S. Tavares, 2014.

SALLES, Nathalia Katsivalis. Circulating among theater experiences: a theater studio for young people with autism. Completion of course work. (Degree in Theater) - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro / UNIRIO. Advisor: Joana Ribeiro da S. Tavares, 2014.

VARGAS, Aline Rangel. And who educates, what learns? Completion of course work. (Degree in Theater) - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro / UNIRIO. Advisor: Lucia Helena de Freitas (Gyata), 2013.

VIANNA, Luísa. Theater and Autism. A journalistic and artistic experience in the Theater Workshop of the Circulando project. Completion of course work. (Graduation in Social Communication - Journalism) - Universidade Federal Fluminense / UFF. Advisor: Denise Tavares da Silva, 2016.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Artistic Production:

Any Madness is Better than Doing Nothing "(2016):

Against [great] Hands of the Flow of the World (BASTOS, 2017) .:

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